Pass The Crown: The Future Of Fashion Belongs To Black & African Designers

Pass The Crown

Pass The Crown: There are several reasons to support Black designers and Black owed brands, reasons that stretch beyond the fashion industry and who make the coolest clothes.

Why is it so important to publicly and financially support Black designers? Simple, because they actually make clothing for us and with our patronage in mind!

Brand and consumer loyalty should develop as a result of the love and appreciation shown to the customer from the designer or brand – and not simply because the brand produces dope clothes. Just like respect, loyalty must also be earned!

People of Color have continued to spend their hard-earned money to support brands owned by companies and designers that don’t support, respect, or even like Black people or People of Color – this blind allegiance in the name of fashion has to stop now!

For non-Black designers and brands to deserve the level of brand loyalty and repeat business that is repeatedly dished out by Black consumers, first and foremost, there should be an obvious display of equal appreciation and respect for their Black consumers.

This should be evident not only in the design or cut of the garments but it should also remain clear in the branding and advertising. This starts with more positive Black representation and a show of respect for Black spending power.

Pass The Crown: Black Designers

Black people aren’t just trendsetters – we’re profitable customers too! 

This has always been evident to Black designers & Black owned brands – to them we’ve always been valued customers.

Black designers appreciate us more and will consistently cater to us and our culture without it feeling like appropriation – they understand us because they are us…

Black designers & Black owned brands have been showing us their love and appreciation for decades. Meanwhile, we’ve yet to publicly embrace them back and show brand loyalty the way that we should – why?

Instead we continue to love brands that don’t love us. While, turning our backs on Black designers and Black owned brands that literally wake up everyday just to produce things for us that look great and that encourage us to feel good in the Black skin we all share.

Our loyalty as Black consumers should remain with designers and brands that continue to perpetuate equal amounts of Black representation in their advertising – while also having a positive influence on the Black and Brown communities.

Pass the crown

Support Black Designers

There are several Black designers and Black owed brands that regularly give back to the community through the establishing of programs and events that help uplift and benefit young Black people and People of color. 

They have continue to do this for us although we fail to support them the way we should – despite this they continue to give back, so isn’t it our turn?

There are several reasons to support Black designers and Black owed brands, reasons that stretch beyond the fashion industry and who make the coolest clothes. 

For me, it’s also about the preservation of Black art, culture & design while developing a cycle of FUBU support, patronage and mentorship that will inspire the next generation of Black designers, creatives and tech experts to come.

Written by :Sophia Lenore
Photographer: Phil Halfmann |
Creative Director: Sophia Lenore |
Lead Hair & Makeup Artist: Sophia Lenore |
Wardrobe Stylist: Laura Eissfeld    
Model: Estela   


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