How To Feel Like A Celebrity As A Regular Person

How To Feel Like A Celebrity As A Regular Person

Why do people put celebrities and public figures on pedestals they don’t deserve? This is consistent growing trend, which has become a large part of our society’s culture. I’ve never understood why so many people are content spending an insane amounts of money, time and energy following, obsessing and admiring people that couldn’t care less about them.

When did it become absolutely normal to worship, admire and immolate people that don’t event know or care about you as a person? Why are so many people utterly, blissfully happy being a “Celebrity Minion?”

Definition of a Minion:

 A follower or underling of a powerful person, especially a servile or unimportant one. 

Celebrity Minion’s are caught up in the obsession of loving everything about a total stranger while having zero love, respect or admiration for themselves. Yeah, that makes sense…

So, why do people spend their lives emotionally & financially supporting people they don’t know personally? Let’s try to deconstruct this phenomenon this shall we?

In today’s society, people constantly spend hours comparing themselves to strangers called “celebrities” – not knowing if these so-called celebrities are event decent people! Some celebrities who were placed on pedestals they didn’t deserve turned out to be murderers, rapists, child molesters, racists, sexists, bigots, thief’s, liars, con-artists, pedophiles, womanizers, homophobic, violent offenders, or guilty of domestic violence against women, etc.!

These celebrities are whom the young and middle aged strive to imitate. If they can’t be as beautiful, slim, charming, funny, desired or as fashionable as their favorite celebrity then soon depression and self-contempt sets in. Eventfully this leads to thoughts of suicide or self-harm. 

Key facts

  • More than 700 000 people die due to suicide every year.
  • For every suicide there are many more people who attempt suicide. A prior suicide attempt is the single most important risk factor for suicide in the general population.
  • Suicide is the fourth leading cause of death in 15-19-year-olds.
  • 77% of global suicides occur in low- and middle-income countries.
  • Ingestion of pesticide, hanging and firearms are among the most common methods of suicide globally.


Lets put an end to celebrity worship and admiration! The concept of celebrity is a fake and fabricated identity anyway! It’s an illusion or a shared perception we universally agree on a population. So, instead of putting total strangers on pedestals to be loved and admired, why not place yourself on that pedestal instead? Let’s make self-love and self-admiration a thing! 

So instead of looking outward for someone to admire lets start looking inward! As a society, let’s normalize the idea of being our own idols.

Or you can start publicly admiring the superstars around you such as your parents, friends, teachers, colleagues, mentors etc. instead of idolizing and supporting these “Seemingly Perfect Strangers” called celebrities. 

Or in other words, learn to be the celebrity you love & admire. Learn to love the skin your in. Learn to love your own hair, your own life, your God-given talents and all of the beautiful characteristics that make you who you are! Someone in this world would consider you ‘really cool’ and would become your #1 fan. So don’t be so hard on yourself. They way we see ourselves is rarely how the world see’s us, so give yourself more credit – The fact is, it’s inevitable that someone in this world thinks your interesting or cool in some way. They just haven’t told you yet …

In order to put an end to celebrity worship and admiration, first you have to do the work. Which requires a lot of self-deprograming, deep self-healing and a full reassessment of your reality as it pertains to who you see yourself and others around you. Just believe that you’re the star of your universe and no one can outshine you, break you, or make you feel less than or inferior. When you learn to truly love, respect and admire the person you are your whole world changes for the better. There will always be external issue and troubles but when you learn to overcome internal issues and insecurities living live does become much simpler and joyous.

So, let’s start the trend of being cheerleaders for ourselves more often! 

Learn to truly love who you are instead of constantly fawning over the fake features, fake lives and contrived characteristics of other people – because your most likely a better human being then the stranger your admiring from a far anyway…. 

Learn to fall deeply in love with the unique and heavily creature that you are!


What do you think?


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