Cocky vs Confident: Confidence is earned with time and suffering while cockiness comes easy.
What makes a confident person appear as cocky?
The easy answer is, it’s you! If you perceive confidence as arrogance or conceitedness, then you are the problem. Not the person oozing with confidence.

People that are good-looking, smart, financially secure or simply highly confident are consistently deemed overweening, smug, lofty or uppish to others.
Those casting the judgement are usually lacking self confidence or assurance themselves. So they must negatively tear-down and disrate those that exude self assuredness.

Are You Confident or Cocky?
I consider myself a highly confident, self-loving, smart, financially secure, good looking person.
So, I have experienced various levels of hate, distain & resentment from people with low self esteem. This is usually due to my level of poise, mettle and self-reliance.

These qualities can be easily attained with practice. There just needs to be a willingness to engage in regular acts of self-love and positive self-talk.

Confidence: What’s Your Worth?
Self esteem is based on how one perceives themself. It’s the perception of one’s own worth, abilities and value.
This also includes how one see’s others in comparison to themself; hence why confident people tend to rub averse people the wrong way.

They are intimidated by confidence, hence why they engage in projecting negativity onto those that exude self assuredness.

Cocky: When Everything Comes Easy
Confidence is earned by walking the walk of life without excuses. Cockiness is talking your way through life, hiding your insecurities.
The talkers know they are full of it and they will only attract more talkers. People who walk the walk do not get distracted by all the talk and do not pay them any attention.

Confidence Shines Bright Like A Diamond
It is never ok to dim your own light, or lower your self confidence for the sake of others who will end up hating on you regardless.
Hence, why I refuse to humble myself or lower myself esteem for the sake of unsure, unconfident, unassured people.

I know who I am, I stay true to myself and let my earned confidence shine. I just wish the talkers well and leave them in the dust where they belong.
Written by: Sophia LenorePhotographer: Phil Halfmann
Creative Director: Sophia Lenore
Wardrobe Stylist: Sophia Lenore
Hair Stylist: Sophia Lenore
Makeup Artist: Aida
Model: Jovona