A Gentle Spirit

A Gentle Spirit can be revealed through the wardrobe you choose to wear. Wear what aligns with your spirit or the energy you wish to convey to the world.

What kind of spirit do you have? And can the spirit of who you are be revealed though the wardrobe and outfits you choose to wear?

If the essence of who you truly are is revealed in the choices you make – then something as simple as your wardrobe can reveal the spirit of who you are.

A Gentle Spirit
A Gentle Spirit

Even the subtle details & adornments whisper hints of the spirit or energy you are consciously or subconsciously conveying to the world.

A Gentle Spirit
A Gentle Spirit

Sexy Without Being Uncomfortable

We live in a world where everyone is pulled, stretched, lifted, tucked and squeezed into outfits that are meant to accentuate the body and entice the eye. 

I get it! We all want to feel sexy and alluring on occasion but there are plenty of ways to look & feel sexy without being uncomfortable or a fashion clone.

A Gentle Spirit
A Gentle Spirit

When selecting wardrobe you should wear what feels right – not simply what’s in trend. Fashion is a form of self expression – emphasis on the word “Self”. 

Hence when selecting pieces to add to your wardrobe you should always follow your intuition and wear what aligns with your spirit or the energy you wish to convey to the world.

A Gentle Spirit
A Gentle Spirit

Sometimes being free & unbelted just feels right… Simplicity will always resonate sexier than glam since confidence doesn’t require fancy labels – just a little bit of taste & coordination.

If you do come across a trend that you absolutely love and what to try out go for it! Just make it your own or complimenting to your own unique spirit.  Never be a slave to fashion trends – tweak the trend to suit who you are as a individual.

Are You A Gentle Spirit?

So what kind of spirit do you have? And does the spirit of who you are revealed though the wardrobe and outfits you choose to wear? 

If not, stop dressing for other people and start dressing for yourself and let who you are shine through in every form of self expression – including your wardrobe.

Express Your Unique Spirit

However, if certain aspects of your life, such as your place of employment, restricts self expression though your attire then simply remember: even the subtle details & adornments can whisper hints of the spirit or energy you are consciously or subconsciously conveying to the world. 

If this is the case find a signature piece that radiates to the world the beautiful uniqueness of you and your  “Gentle Unique Spirit”.


What do you think?


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