Have you ever wondered why there are only a few women who have the perfect poise these days? Perhaps it is because we no longer value proper elegance, sitting with good posture or having good manners.

Definition of Poise?
Poise is composure and dignity of manner. It is a graceful and elegant bearing in a person.
I believe that a poised woman is the fruit of elegance. To develop poise, one must first learn to be elegant.
You can be poised without necessarily being elegant. For example, making an effort to be composed even though you’ve walked into an important meeting late and looking disheveled.
However, that is not the type of poise that is admired in elegant women. Being poised is not just having composure, but also having dignity as well.

A poised man or women possesses elegant mannerisms. Their body movements and gestures exude a certain level of sophistication, confidence and style.
For example, confidence and elegance is always exhibited in the way a poised women walks, talks and conducts herself – her mannerisms are fluid and gentle, yet strong and purposeful.
I still do believe in carrying yourself a certain way, and I do my best to be somewhat of a role model. I’m not a perfect person.
I’m a human being. I’m not the Lord, but I do accept that responsibility, and that’s why I do try to carry myself with confidence, with poise, with grace, and with class.

What is the Opposite of Poise?
A person lacking poise is the image of insecurity, a person that seems a bit is lost in a contrived identity, clumsy, awkward or uncomfortable in their own skin.
Class, elegance, confidence and sophistication will never go out of style – being hood, street, sexualized, out-spoken, loud or a degenerate is not a good look.
It was never a good look – society just fooled you into thinking that being crass, aggressive, disruptive and ignorant was cool while laughing at you and calling you trash behind your back the whole time…
Why would anyone NOT want to carry themselves with a sense of dignity, respect and class? When did having class become corny?
And when did ignorance and degenerateness become the preferred or accepted norm?
You cannot demand or expect respect from society if you exhibit dissolute or intemperate behavior – since this behavior is not deemed worthy of respect anywhere in the world.

How do you Acquire Poise?
Developing poise is all about learning how to maintain an attitude of grace and composure. If you are a person that tends to be stressed or in a hurry all the time, learn some techniques to calm yourself so you can maintain a positive perspective.
If you’re a bit fidgety and nervous as a person, learn how to be still in your spirit and gentler in your nature. Lastly, definitely, work on improving your posture! Since posture plays a big part in the visual element of poise.
Also, relearning and appreciating the value of patient, self-love, humility, grace, respect, understanding, empathy and compassion is the key to inner peace and outer grace.
The kind of learned behavior that’s positive and respectful is not just for the sake of becoming a valued member of society.
These relearned abilities and traits will also bring you inner peace, confidence, happiness and a level of elegance as a person.

Remember the Definition of Poise
Being poised is all about composure, dignity of manner, grace and a level of elegant bearing within a person.
Everyone is a work in progress … you just have to do the work!
Don’t continue to allow society to program you into the person they want you to be, which is dumb, sexualized, disrespectful, non-confident, selfish and indifferent.

If you live a busy lifestyle like I do, it really helps to write things down. I’m still quite traditional and old-school about this. I write everything down, or I will leave myself a voice note on my phone.
This helps me remain a sense of peace and calm as I navigate through my busy day without the stress of having to commit things and tasks to memory.
It’s also helps as it pertains to organizing or prioritizing tasks & errands I need to tackle to prevent panic whether I forgot to do something.
Study Manners/Etiquette
Study how to exhibit good manners, and learn some formal etiquette so that your well- perceived and comfortable in every situation.
Develop Self-Confidence
On a daily basis make an effort to grow and work on establishing a strong, elegant yet humble level of self-confidence.
Study Videos
Watch movies and tv shows that feature character that exude class and sophistication. Study the movements of those women or men.
Closely observe how they walk and talk and move.
Learn to Dance
Take a dance class! Dancers generally have beautiful poise & grace in their movements and gestures. This develops naturally through classical forms of dance.
Love To Love Yourself
This is one of the most important things to learn. If you don’t love & respect yourself how can you affectively embody confidence, grace and elegance? This is just not possible.
Confidence comes from the love, grace and acceptance you extend to yourself. This confidence then resonates through you and your actions in the form of poise, elegance and sophistication.

Written by: Sophia Lenore
Photographer: Phil Halfmann
Creative Director: Sophia Lenore
Wardrobe Stylist: Ruthia
Hair Stylist: Sophia Lenore
Hair Assistant: Filip
Makeup Artist: Jessica
Model: Willina Rodriguez
Jewelry by: KONPLOTT
Makeup by: Charlotte Tilbury Makeup
Hair products by: Curls Poppin
Nail products by: USLU Airlines